think for a moment
- 思考片刻

Think for a moment , what was the last thing you bought ?
I don 't think for a moment that she 'll accept but you can ask her .
Think for a moment about what it means to feel right .
You must never think for a moment that the supply is limited .
Think for a moment about the positive reactions to our new plan .
I don 't think for a moment he believed my reason .
W : Let me think for a moment before making a decision .
Think for a moment about your car .
I had to think for a moment before I remembered his name .
Please think for a moment before answering .
But think for a moment about the implications of a society that goes through life taking its own picture .
To understand what is going on , think for a moment about the six-year-old bitcoin technology .
And then ask how much would it change your happiness Now , think for a moment What 's the best thing that could happen to you ?
Think for a moment if you supported hanging for some crimes , would you not conversely attract violence to yourself ?
But when you think for a moment about Carlin 's quip , how could it be otherwise ?
Think for a moment that I granted you the right to buy 10 % of one of your classmates for the rest of all his life time .
Think for a moment about your friends , family and colleagues . When they speak in your native tongue , do they repeat themselves ?
Think for a moment of what more you would do if you surrendered the notion that everything needs to be absolutely , utterly perfect .
But a typical Hans Rosling graph : think for a moment , not what it shows , but think instead about what it leaves out .
Despite landing a meeting with Mr. Stallone , Mr. Coogler did not think for a moment that the storied actor would agree to the film .
In the TV interview in a star , see his spouse , he frowned think for a moment , then said , so as to find a can talk with him .
Think for a moment : when we cover for them , we scream , You obviously can 't pull this off on your own . Let me do it for you .
It is a dazzling , very cool product , but really think for a moment . The users we need to consider are not just high-end , well-educated users , she says .
Think for a moment about the people who invent new technologies and build new companies , who write books and music and create art . These are the people who grow our economies and enrich our culture .
Hard as it is for people to guard against typhoon , it is advisable for a man to stop to think for a moment before he complains ," What if typhoon disappeared all together ?"
You know that when you hear my voice , I 'm usually not far behind , or that when a ball rolls behind a sofa it still exists , but think for a moment how you came by this certainty .
Think back for a moment to elementary school .
To understand this , think back for a moment to how Wall Street operated in the halcyon complacent era before 2007 .
Interestingly , though , Giulio sees the scrawled-upon wall as a sure sign of Maria 's repression , because she wrote her curses against him in Italian , and Italian is her second language , a language she has to think about for a moment before she can choose her words .
I was struck dumb by this and had to think it over for a moment